The 5th International Cultural Festival of our university opens


On the afternoon of May 29th, the 5th International Cultural Festival of our school kicked off at the picturesque Deqing Lake in the east campus. Vice President Li Qingfeng attended the opening ceremony, with officials from relevant departments such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Research and Development, the Foreign Affairs Office, and the Youth League Committee, as well as heads of secondary colleges and all teachers and students of the International College.

The head of the Ministry of Education stated in his speech that this grand event not only promoted the deep dissemination and extensive sharing of culture, but also greatly enhanced cultural exchanges and deep friendship among participants, building spiritual bridges connecting students from different countries.

Jinba, a representative of outstanding graduates, shared his emotional journey, stating that the International Cultural Festival is not only a stage to showcase one's own culture, but also a bridge to enhance cross-cultural understanding. He is grateful that his time at Huzhou Normal School allowed him to appreciate the charm of Chinese culture and draw valuable spiritual wealth from it.

Sofia from Kazakhstan spoke as an international student representative, expressing her love for Huzhou Normal University, Huzhou, and China in fluent Chinese. She also shared her unforgettable experiences in school learning and life.

Amidst applause and cheers, Li Qingfeng announced the official opening of this International Cultural Festival.

Subsequently, a spectacular opening ceremony performance showcasing the charm of multiple countries was staged. International students from over a dozen countries, including Russia, Morocco, Bangladesh, and Ghana, dressed in traditional costumes and showcasing the unique cultural charm of various countries through their unique ethnic art forms. From the runway show in Morocco to the youth dance in Russia, from the passionate performances of singers from Bangladesh, Ghana, and Zimbabwe to the passionate performances of African tambourines and dances, each performance has won applause and pushed the event to its climax.

The theme of this International Cultural Festival is Five Continents Linkage, Creating 'Big' Together, aiming to enhance the international atmosphere of the campus through the display of diverse cultures, and contribute to promoting the school's creation of 'Big' and 'Bo'.